
one photo day by day everyday during one year

mario martins

There are photos with no importance. Without obvious intentionality, without poetry, without comments (can I resist it?), without explanations. They will be only chosen photos between those shouted every day. Day after day during one year. Sometimes there will be a link to other photos of the same day, not many. Each photo posted will have the hour in which it was taken.

They are color photos shouted with a Leica D-Lux, witch is a very simple, elegant and with no important technological ressouces digital camera – a distinct and sophisticated notebook with Leica’s quality.
My work is almost all in black and white (it can be seen in portfolio mario martins) because, among other reasons, my photography is not the reproduction of the reality – in color photos it will not too (evidently). I’ll have to learn to see in colors. Everyday.

This project was born four years ago, after seen the exhibition un journal fotografique, by Frank Horvat, at Musée Maillol, in Paris. But it isn’t an autobiographic project, which seems to be the Horvat one. The photos posted here will be taken manly between my home and job at random on my daily route. As it can be seen, it is not an original idea – but whit photography, even each photo, is difficult to be original, as it happens with any object on every art; the important is the look – from the photographer and from the spectator – because, in some way, when it is seen, everything becomes a sign.

Here they are, then, to be looked and to be seen.